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biketowork challenge 2022
This year, Microsynth has joined the biketowork challenge for the month of May and has started with 11 teams and 44 participants.
During the month, the parking lot has been noticeably emptier, and the bike racks were well filled. Here some impressions from our employees.

The month went by very fast, but it was a very successful one. The 11 teams together covered no less than 10,887 km and saved 1,568 kg of CO2. The share of days coming with the bike was constantly high, we are proud of that.

Last Friday marked the end of this year’s biketowork challenge with the award ceremony. Microsynth sponsored their own prizes for the 3 teams that covered the longest distances, and these were distributed at our summer party. Team "Daywalkers" won the first prize, a bowling night with dinner, with an impressive distance of 1709 km in the one-month challenge.

A special mention goes to Christian Aebi from the team "Drahteseltreiber", who covered the longest personal distance with an incredible 801 km and that on a non electric bike.
And finally, a special thank you to Fabian Axthelm, who organized the whole Biketowork Challenge for Microsynth.
Congratulations to all who participated, and we hope they will continue to come diligently by bike.