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Sample Requirements

Please take some time to review our sample requirements. By following these guidelines you increase the quality of your results and you give us the possibility to help you further.


Template Concentration
Plasmid 40-100 ng/µl
PCR (purified and unpurified products)*
PCR 1000 - 2000 bp
PCR  500 - 1000 bp
PCR   250 - 500 bp
PCR   100 - 250 bp
General Rule: 1.5 ng/µl per 100 bp
30 ng/µl
15 ng/µl
7.5 ng/µl
4 ng/µl
50 µl LB Medium OR
visible colony on agar plate
E.coli (Ecoli NightSeq®)
add 1 colony (diameter 1 mm) OR
add 5 µl turbid liquid culture
Plasmid (Full PlasmidSeq)
20 ng/µl
Genomic DNA (BacterialSeq) 50 ng/µl
*Upfront PCR purification is highly recommended but can easily be outsourced to Microsynth.
Premixed 4 pmol/µl = 4 µM
As separate tube (enclosed)
10 pmol/µl = 10 µM



Service Volume Additional Information
Economy Run (Tube)
12 µl
Premixed option: 12 µl DNA template solution + 3 µl 20µM sequencing primer solution
Economy Run (Plate)
10 µl/well in 96-well plate
Increase the volume by 5 µl /well for each additional reaction
Premium Run
At least 20 µl
Increase the volume by 5 µl for each additional reaction
Primer Walking Service
At least 20 µl

Single Stranded

0.5 µg of plasmid-DNA for every kb of your construct


Double stranded

1 µg of plasmid-DNA for every kb of your construct

Full PlasmidSeq
At least 15 µl

Suitable plasmid sizes range from 2.5 kb to 25 kb. While plasmids ranging from 25 kB to 50 kb have not been tested yet, you may try them at your own risk.

At least 20 µl

High Quality DNA is needed for this services. That means high-molecular weight DNA with no fragments <5 kb.

Primer Volume
As separate tube (enclosed) 20 µl + 3 µl per additional reaction




Storage at Microsynth
Economy Run (Tube)
4 days
Economy Run (Plate)
1 month
Ecoli NightSeq® (Tube or Plate)
1 month
Premium Run
3 months
Primer Walking Service
3 months
Full PlasmidSeq (Tube)
4 days
Full PlasmidSeq (Plate)
1 month
BactSeq (Tube)
1 month
Primer (stored)
4 months
Primer (custom primer list)
10 months